Since then, the development has been continuing as normal. The end is in sight for some of the content in Chapter 3. You see, Chapter 3 was going to have 4 somethings and 3 (6?) other somethings. But I've reduced the 4 somethings to 3.5 and refactored how the 3rd other something to be shorter and less something-like, while still maintaining the parenthetical (something, something)... or something. Anyway, I'm swearing off somethings now! |
For the anniversary of UNDERTALE, we always try to put on some sort of special event. In the past, we've done live streams, shown concerts, and this year, we decided to put on a Charity Sweepstakes to raise money for Child Play. And what better character to raise money for kids than "SPAMTON," the sleazy, money-hungry salesman from DELTARUNE Chapter 2.
Although the event is over, the website is still up. If you didn't take a look, it's well worth checking out the website and its [W1ld Pr1z3s] on display. Each "unique" item has its own description from Spamton, and if you look carefully around the page, you may find some hidden secrets... When you're all done, don't forget to watch the ending video as well, where a very "SPECIL SPAMTON" announces the winners!
I started writing a column for FAMITSU, a gaming magazine in Japan.
So far, 2 articles have released, both about fairly obscure topics. Tokimeki Memorial and... Secret of Evermore!
You can actually read both of them online... If you dare to read Japanese! (Or, just use Google Translate.)
By the way, it's true Sakurai-san also wrote a column for Famitsu. Some people have said "Toby Fox now has Sakurai's old job!" But, I think looking at it like that is a bit strange. Think about it like this: If a writer quit, then they dressed up a rat that they found in the supply closet to replace them... the articles the rat would write wouldn't be the same at all, right? By the way, the next article will be about Chease... |
Did you know I once drew the cover for Famitsu too? Pretty surreal, right? |
When I released UNDERTALE, I wondered if the game would reach RPG fans in Japan... So, after the game released, I was quite happy when one of my first fan letters was from a Japanese fan. This fan's name was Itoki Hana. |
I actually recognized her from the Kirby vocal covers she put on YouTube, and my friends told me "you should talk to her!" After a few messages, she said she wanted to send me a gift, so I gave her my address. Eventually, I got a package at my house, containing chocolates and a hand-sewn patch of Flowey. The chocolates were some Japanese-exclusive flavors and they tasted really bad. They might've also been expired on arrival. Anyway, the handmade patch she made was really cute and I still have it. Since then, I consider her one of my good friends, and every once in a while we make music together. |
This time we made a song called "Skies Forever Blue". |
The music video was handled by OMOCAT LLC, who you may know as the creators of OMORI! We made the video in quite a rush, but it was fun to be able to work together on something. Many other people helped out too, so check the credits. |
Recently, I was given the honor of composing an original track for beatmania iidx 30!! I know what you're thinking ... what the heck, why is this one called "Blue" as well!? Look, I'm not so good song titles, but I swear, the music ain't half bad. |
For this collaboration, we split up the work like normal: I composed the melody and chords on the piano, then Camellia did 99.9999% of the rest of the work. We make a great and totally equal team! |
I can't show anything here, but here's some advice if you get to play this song on Beatmania in real life: Once it starts, just ignore all of the notes and just watch the music video, it's amazing! It stars me and Camellia as two little Twinbee-looking guys having an adventure. Then at the end, we have a baby...? |
They literally didn't tell us that they would do this at all. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but isn't that crazy??? |