By Bani, Itoki, & Toby

Contains 172 pages of illustrations, concept art, creator commentary, and more

Art Book
- 172 Page Art Book
- 14" Folded Poster
- Carnival Ticket

On moonlit nights,
Within this great fair, a carousal awaits.
An audience of shadows, rocking in merriment
To the greatest show, oh, perhaps the greatest ever been told.
Dancers, perfumed in milk and honey
Lyons, roaring like the orchestral pit
And the ringmaster, with his most alluring smile...
I, too, wish to stand upon his stage.

- Video by Bani
- Music & Story by Toby Fox
- Vocals & Lyrics by Itoki Hana
- Mastering by Kataoka Yasuhisa
- Violin by Noel Sadwin
- Piano by Carlos Eiene
- Transcription by Marcy Nabors
Website & Merchandise by Fangamer:
Brian Coia • Nathan Cranford • Audrey Waner